The dBwave.i Acoustic Engineering is a company founded in 2014 resulting from the fusion of dBLab – Acústica, Vibrações e Ambiente, Lda, and LabRV – Noise and Vibrations Laboratory of ISQ, two separate entities with tens of years of existence.

Associates so the most reputable consulting firm, project and field analysis of Noise and Vibration of the Iberian Peninsula, with the largest laboratory in the same, to become the largest and most comprehensive in the business sector.

dBwave. activities are focused on the i area of Acoustics and Vibrations in its multiple facets:

Noise maps

The vast experience of its team and the broad portfolio of both organizations, which gave rise, ensur the availability of sound and vibration engineering services of the best level of competence and quality.

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Documentation about Dbwave
Documentation about Dbwave
Videos Dbwabe